Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Enrolled in Zombie Tech

I have just had the stark realization that I may in fact be a zombie. Maybe this is some latent gene that has been laying in wait for the perfect moment of self-ignorance. What scares me is I do not seem to be the only one with this gene. I think every single student may possess this genetic anomaly.
            Waking up this morning I went through my tried and true routine occasionally checking the clock. The thought briefly crossed my mind to skip my upcoming class (but again, part of the routine) regardless I went out the door. Plugged in my ear buds and trudged the agonizing three tenths of a mile to campus only occasionally taking one out to offer a wave or a half-hearted greeting. Then I walked into class and sat. And waited. And waited. And others came in a sat. And they waited. In a class of about fifteen there were at least twelve of us in there waiting for something to happen. One third did not do the required reading and all were complaining about sleep-deprivation. Then the oddly awake freshmen strolls in and asks “Did no one see the sign outside the door saying class is cancelled?” Apparently not.
            I never thought about straying from my daily routine because I was not thinking. Just half-heartedly making it through the paces to get a decent participation grade. Looking at the facts I was not prepared for class this morning, did not have enough sleep, and honestly may have absorbed less than half of what went on in class that day. Why did I go in to my first class today rather than sleeping in and being well-rested? Because it is not part of the routine to be well-rested. It is not part of the routine to be prepared. If I can get through my day with an expert display of half-assadry, why should I change it? I am not the only one that suffers from this recent zombification of the modern student—there were eleven other people in that room.
            Why do I go to class knowing that I'm not going to absorb anything and am only partially prepared? Because I can. Because going through the paces to get the degree still gets the degree and I have deemed other facets of my life are more important. Part of me wants to say I can do it all: school, work, friends, everything--but that just isn't possible with eight hours of sleep. My current occupation is student and that is where the majority of my time and effort should go towards. Why then am I still unprepared and sleep-deprived? Are taking extra classes and overloading myself in every way really the best option right now? It’s time we as a generation took time to smell the roses and stop.
            Just stop.
            Stop running, stop rushing, and stop doing everything so half-assed. If sleep-deprived let it be from school work. There is something to be said for passion in what I do and that is what's lacking. Time to re-evaluate where I want to be and where I am. Is this going to get me to my end goal? Hopefully, but next time I'll pay attention to the signs.     

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